ASSE Consultants SEO Directory (II)

Increase the organic sales of your store

Conquering greater visibility of the virtual store and boosting sales with profitability, the famous ROI, is the challenge of every retailer.

SEO design for E-Commerce

Through SEO strategies for E-commerce that is possible, because the merchant does not pay for the traffic generated by the organic search of search engines, such as Google, which in Spain every 100 searches performed, it intermediates 87.

In addition to that potential of “free” traffic, working with techniques within your store, you can guarantee more sales and ROI in your global Digital Marketing strategy.

SEO design for E-Commerce
Our Own Methodology
We work with SEO projects for E-commerce with the aim of contributing with the merchants to conquer better and more sales in their store.

Our focus is to think about the user, going beyond the SEO treatments that only look at Google and other search engines.

SEO Project Planning for Ecommerce

1. Planning
We map the e-consumer profile (user needs), how the user searches (search terms) and identify what current store scenario (limitations and external factors). From then on, we elaborated a chronogram of actions that will be developed throughout the work period. This stage is done in conjunction with the merchant to ensure the synergy of any operation.

Execution of SEO projects for Ecommerce

2. Execution
We do a complete analysis in the store, such as analysis to identify Technology Barriers, verify the Content and Authority of the store and internal pages (categories, product page, among others). Based on these analyzes, SEO documents are created by our experts so that they can be implemented strategically in the store.

After the basic factors of SEO implemented, we enter with advanced actions of data analysis of the store to enhance conversions and sales through Usability Strategies (UX).

Measurement of SEO project for Ecommerce

3. Valuation
At the end of each quarter (cycle), we make a detailed reading of the actions vs results obtained. In this way, we understand what time the work is and we can direct the next steps towards the unexploited opportunities.

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Why do the SEO of your store with us?
We are first in the search for “SEO consulting” in Google. The best guarantee of the quality of our slot optimization. In addition, we have been in the market since 2005 with experience in optimizing e-commerces of different segments.

Talk to our business team and prepare to sell more!

SEO migration to E-Commerce
Switch platforms without losing sales
The migration from a virtual store to a new e-commerce platform must be well planned, since any change without worrying about Google and users can result in a large loss of traffic and sales / conversions.

Virtual store migration
We offer a complete SEO solution for retailers to minimize downturns and losses in your business
To better understand what a migration to search engines and even users means, we use the following example: You change your residential address, but do not inform the postman, the bank, the stores and friends of that change.

The next time they visit you, or send a correspondence, they will not find you until you signal to them that you are in a new house! This Internet address is the URL of your website!

Migration of the virtual store

Planned and Structured Migration
The migration must be done with care and depending on the size and size of your business, it can have an average duration of 3 to 6 months.

The whole process is done in conjunction with the developers of the new site.

Steps of the migration process
prior to migration

Complete mapping of the current situation of the site;
Indexing volume of the pages;
Positioning of keywords.

Redirect 301;
On-Page Factors;
Meta description;
post migration

Volume of indexed pages;
Verification of keyword positioning;
Monitoring of Google Analytics.
Benefits of migrating
Structured and proven processes;
Use of strategic tools: Google and Market;
Organization of the architecture of the site according to the client’s scenario;
100% of the SEO technical application in the new store;
Usability aligned to Google guidelines.
Without loss of relevance and authority.
Before migrating your site, contact us. We help you do it the right way!

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SEO design
We transform your potential
in results
The goal of the SEO Project is to transform the full potential of our customers into results through organic searches. The work can be applied in all the formats of the site, being it an Online Store, Institutional or Promotional Site and even Vertical Portals.

Our SEO projects are ideal for you
Before starting a project, we evaluate when the client is:

SEO – Increase in traffic / visits
Branding | traffic
Companies that need to improve site positioning to increase more visits / Traffic on the site.

SEO – Increase in conversions / sales
Perfomance | Conversions / Sales
Companies that already receive traffic and want to promote conversions on the site.

SEO for home teams and scale of results
Big Data | scale
Companies that already have time in-house and want to scale the results.

Steps of the SEO project
The starting point is to diagnose the site and understand the business of the company. At that time, the team of business experts along with the technical team do a survey of the scenario to identify the potential of the work.

The first step is to plan the SEO activities that will be developed together with the client aligned to the business objectives. We apply our SEO work methodology to conquer results efficiently, making the client’s investments profitable.

The next step is to act directly on the execution of the project together with the client to ensure that the goals are achieved. In this stage we carry out actions related to the three pillars of SEO.

Technology – analysis and treatment of technological barriers;
Content – creation of original and quality content;
Authority – disclosure of your site to be reliable and relevant in the eyes of users and Google.
Finally, we measure the activities developed in the planning to identify the results curve.

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SEO – Diagnosis
1. Diagnosis
SEO – Planning

2. Planning
SEO – Execution
3. Execution
SEO – Measurement

4. Valuation

SEO Consulting
Consultants with years of experience in SEO
The SEO consultancy aims to act as an SEO manager for companies that have difficulty in leveraging results and achieving their goals through organic search.

SEO Consulting
Situations that we act in the SEO consultancy
Migration of site and / or platform;
Companies looking for advanced SEO strategies;
Treatment of technological barriers, including Mobile SEO;
Analysis of landing pages and the site in general;
Campaigns for special dates of online stores and brands;
During the works, SEO Master will be responsible for helping you in the planning of SEO and to guide what strategic and operative activities the client should do.

How does SEO Consulting work?
We can highlight the following phases of SEO Consulting:

Diagnosis and Briefing: Survey of SEO needs, objectives and goals;
Elaboration of the tactical plan: Schedule of tasks and Documents of SEO;
Activity report;
We offer personalized attention directly with the responsible consultant, so that everything is done quickly and efficiently.

Talking to our customers is always a pleasure!

Our experience in SEO Consulting

To show even more our knowledge, we are in the first place for the search “seo consultancy” in Google, the best guarantee of the quality of our Website Optimization. In our blacksmith’s house, the steakhouse is made of steel.

If you are looking for an SEO job including direct actions on your site, get to know our SEO project and understand how we can help you.

Talk to one of our experts and learn more about what we can do for you.